Third Eye Chakra Green. Crystals that you can use to help you open your third eye chakra. Expand your intuition […]

Heart Chakra Color Meanings. The heart chakra, anahata, is located in the center of the chest. Green is composed of […]

Heart Chakra Color Green. This chakra is about love, compassion, and kindness. Its main colour is green, and it is […]

Third Eye Chakra (Indigo Color). White is the color of the crown chakra (seventh chakra); It comes as no surprise […]

High Heart Chakra Color. The high heart chakra is a pure emerald colour and sits above the heart chakra and […]

3Rd Eye Chakra Colour. As a result, the stones of the throat. The color blue is related with the throat […]

Open Heart Chakra Colors. While all the chakras are important, it is hard to overemphasize the significance of the heart […]

Third Eye Chakra Color Meaning. Meaning of the purple chakra color (or deep indigo blue): Dec 16, 2021 by customer […]

Heart Chakra Candle Color. Not unsurprising then that is all about love and compassion. The heart chakra (or anahata chakra […]

Is The Heart Chakra Green Or Pink. It could for example go from deep burgundy red to a. Green is […]

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