Dark Color Nails Causes

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Dark Color Nails Causes. The weather in your city can affect your skin and body. Doctors explain the different causes of nail discoloration, and what to do in each case.

Small black spot under toenail,
Small black spot under toenail, from mishkanet.com

It can occur under the skin, and can also occur under and over the top of the skin. Seeing your toenail suddenly or slowly turning black is definitely alarming, but there are a range of issues that can cause black spots under toenail ranging from minor to more severe. Black toenails are attributed to a variety of causes, some of which resolve on their own.

Fungal Infection Of The Nails.

Common causes of nail discoloration include: “pregnancy, infections, malignancy — the list of the conditions that could cause melanonychia is long,” explains ibrahim. During the summers, coming in.

Pale Or White Nails Could Mean You Have A Low Red Blood Cell Count.

Each color is due to a different origin; Green nail syndrome is usually confined to one or two nails or it can also involve all the nails and can involve fingernails or toenails. You can also take care to help prevent toenail trauma.

Not Every Dark Streak Is A Melanoma, But It’s Always Good To Have A Dermatologist Examine One.

The most common reason nails become darkly colored is because of bruising under the nail. When a person has linear melanonychia, they may see dark stripes running down the nails. On the next pages, let's take a look some reasons you may have naturally dark nails.

As Hands Are The Most Exposed And Used Part Of Your Body, Nails Often Bear The Brunt Of Weather Changes.

When healthy fingernails begin to change color or texture, one of the most common underlying causes is nail fungus, which can cause the nails to crack, peel, and change color and texture. While typically harmless, the cases that have a potential health impact need to be identified and treated as soon as possible. Dark toenail discoloration has several causes, and properly diagnosing the cause is key to a successful treatment.

1 Doctor Answer • 2 Doctors Weighed In.

Before you can treat a discolored toenail, you have to know the cause. What causes dark lines on the nails? The possible causes of toenail discoloration range from minor injuries to severe health conditions.

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